Wednesday, September 23, 2009

End of summer pets

We shake hands with another summer, bid her adieu, say goodbye to her season of bounty and creature comforts, to her supply of the only pets my poor children think they'll ever have.

(This praying mantis provided a fun afternoon of enjoyment, then we let it slip away back into the grass, and it was gone. Kind of like summer.)


Circe said...

What a cute little niece, Greenliee. Cute name, too. What is the story behind that? Your photography is so good! E looks adorable with that praying mantis. Your Picasso comment cracked me up all day! thanks for the book recommendations!

Kate said...

Story Dinner? I'm intrigued.

Stacey said...

You are such a fun mom! Do your kids know how lucky they are?!

Nora Mair said...

She's so entranced by him. What power. Love the correlation--so true, it's slipping away.