Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Photos, week 3

Jan. 15. Stuck. I know just how it feels.

Jan. 16. I'm allowed to walk to school if I'm this far behind Samuel.

Jan. 17. Our new conversation spot. The day before, when I picked up Elise from ballet, she was still telling me a story when we pulled into the garage, so we stayed in the car to finish it. This day she bounded into the garage as I pulled in from the grocery store (she had come home from school while I was gone). She opened the car and sat inside. She bubbled over with news from her English class. Did I know Truman Capote was rumored to have written parts of To Kill a Mockingbird?! 

Jan. 18

Jan. 19. I literally trip over this music stand of violin pieces every day, and figuratively trip over the accompaniment.
Jan. 20

Jan. 21

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